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Rustic Dining Table Wooden Dining Table w/ Round Tabletop & Curved Trestle Legs


SKU: 354915107953 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , ,


Color: Walnut

Material: Rubber Wood

Overall Size: 40" x 40" x29 " (L x W x H)

Maximum Weight: 220 lbs

Net Weight: 17.5 LBS

Package includes:

1 x Dining Table

1 x User’s Guide
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Enjoy dining with families in a rustic environment with the dining table!
Our mid century dining table is crafted with high quality rubber wood, which is gifted from nature, making it durable and crack-resistant for long service life. Moreover, it is painted with wood grain finish to add its elegance. Meanwhile, the painted tabletop is easy-to-clean. The classic round design makes the dining table not easy to hurt you than other sharp rectangular corners. And the 40 inches large tabletop can accommodate 4 people to eat without feeling narrow. Additionally, the 4-person dining table is equipped with splayed legs for great stability. Besides, the legs feature adjustable foot pads to avoid wobbling. With all the above advantages, our rustic dining table is definitely an ideal choice for a warm family gathering.

Made of selected rubber wood for lasting use
Elegant finish makes it a perfect addition in home
Splayed legs combine elegance and stability
Adjustable foot pads prevent wobbling on uneven grounds
Wide tabletop can comfortably seats up to 4 people
Suitable for kitchen, dining room, living room
Easy to wipe the dirt with a wet cloth
Assembly is a breeze with clear instruction

Color: Walnut
Material: Rubber Wood
Overall Size: 40" x 40" x29 " (L x W x H)
Maximum Weight: 220 lbs
Net Weight: 17.5 LBS

Package includes:
1 x Dining Table
1 x User’s Guide

 â–Œ Contact & Returns:

If you have questions about purchases from us, please feel free to contact us through eBay's Message Center.

Items should be returned in their original product packaging and all accessories in the original shipment must be included if you would return the item.

 â–Œ Shippment:

• Free Standard Shipping on all items.
• All orders are shipped out via UPS, Fedex, USPS or LTL.
• Transit time is 2-7 business days varying on customer’s location to fulfillment center.
• Tracking numbers will be automatically updated once order is shipped.
• We only ship to the Lower 48 States, no current shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, nor Guam.
• We do not ship to FPO, APO or PO Boxes.


Additional information



Number of Items in Set


Set Includes

1 x Dining Table, 1 x User’s Guide


Rubber Wood



Item Length

40 in

Assembly Required


Item Height

29 in

Item Width

40 in




Does not apply




Free Standing





Compatible Brand



40" x 40" x29 " (L x W x H)


Dining Table

Mount Type

Free Standing

Weight Capacity

220 lbs


17.5 LBS


Dining Table

Assembly Status

Assembly Required




Dining Room

Table Shape



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